Congress and Events

Explore our dedicated page for congress and event updates. Here, you can catch up on symposia sessions you might have missed, or read a summary of the latest research in epithelial science presented at a meeting. You can also find more information about upcoming events, webinars, and opportunities to collaborate on EpiCentral projects.




Learn more about the role of the epithelium in the development of multimorbid allergic diseases.

Slide deck 10 minute read

The role of epithelial cytokines in CRS

Discover the role of epithelial cytokines in modulating processes underlying 
the pathophysiology of CRS.

Learn more about the role of epithelial crosstalk in regulating the immune response and how this can be disrupted in disease.

Explore the ways in which the epithelium can modulate the immune response in upper and lower airway disease.



Discover the role of mast cells and epithelial cytokines in modulating processes underlying key asthma pathophysiology.

Learn more about mucus hypersecretion and mucus plugging in severe asthma and their impact on clinical outcomes.

Learn more about how epithelial cytokines play a key role in upper and lower airway disease processes.

Explore the bronchial epithelial immune response in asthma and the cytokines that mediate exacerbations of the disease.


Delve into the role of epithelial cytokines in asthma control and remission.

Find out more about the similarities and differences between bronchial and nasal epithelium.

Explore the role of the epithelium from pathogenesis to the clinic and the use of biomarkers.

Video 60 minute watch

Full symposium

Re-watch our symposium from ERS 2023 discussing the airway epithelium as an immune-functioning organ.

Discover the immune mechanisms and epithelial cytokines that drive inflammatory responses in asthma.



Learn more about how environmental determinants and epithelial barrier dysfunction lead to asthma exacerbation.

Discover the role of airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma and how epithelial cytokines can lead to airway remodelling.

Slide deck 15 minute read

Congress highlights

Discover the key highlights of EAACI and a summary of the latest data.

Explore the environment-epithelium interplay and how this is a major driver of asthma pathology.

Discover how epithelial cytokines drive airway remodelling and inflammation in asthma.

Learn more about the structure and function of the airway smooth muscle and how it interacts with inflammatory cells in asthma.

Explore how epithelial cytokines contribute to airway hyperresponsiveness and remodelling in asthma.

Slide deck 20 minute read

Congress highlights

Discover the key highlights of ATS and a summary of the latest data.

Slide deck 15 minute read

Congress highlights

Discover the key highlights of ERS and a summary of the latest data.

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